Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ad-vantage negative

This is an old trusted and tried technique of advertising copywriters. In an ostensible attempt to appear honest, a negative aspect of the product is brought out. This helps in establishing credibility in the minds of readers. In the same vein, riding the wave of credibility built earlier, a tall positive claim about the product is made and it gets smoothly pushed down the unsuspecting throat of the target.

cropped "Our new township offers the most stunning bargain for state-of-the-art housing in the priceless prime locality of the city."

That is obviously difficult to swallow. Compare this with:

"Yes, the project no doubt tags along the highest EMI in the area (true) but it no doubt offers the most stunning bargain for state-of-the-art housing in the priceless prime locality of the city.(made to appear true) "

1 comment:

आशा जोगळेकर said...

Kharaay, advertisers kay na karateel te khar. Mazya blog war yeoon pratikriya dilya baddal dhnyawad.